i stil can remember my 1st time baking in spore, choc chip cookies, for xmas to my colleagues, of cos with my sister's help. and tat was reali so long ago!
wel, i have decided to bake cookies for this Valentines.. bcos.. chris loves cookies. ;p
so was looking thru the internet for some recipes for cookies, and voila! found this fabulous website and got my hands on it!
1st round of baking, the cookies turned out fine, and i brought it to work for my colleagues to try.. and wel, i was waokin on V day itself.. so thought, bringin the cookies for those who r wokrin with me would b reali sweet n nice.. and everyone like it.
So on Fri morning, woke up very early to start baking the cookies for Chris , Channey n Rebecca. ;) and so this time the cookies turn out even better!! ;)

wel, he got the 1st surprise when i gave him the mini ones, then the last surprise is the beautiful ones. ;)

On sat nite, we had dinner @ this reali nice restaurant & we're so glad tat we did dressed up for the dinner. cos it is reali quite a posh plce.. check out the website!

On sat nite, we had dinner @ this reali nice restaurant & we're so glad tat we did dressed up for the dinner. cos it is reali quite a posh plce.. check out the website!
so bcos of tat, i didnt dare to take many pics with flash.. juz didnt wan to embarrass ourselves, u know wat i mean... dun reali want the ang mohs to tink tat im so suah ku! GRIN

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