Life & Death is inevitable, everyone of us know that, especially for me, when i have seen so many of it happened in front of my eyes.. and although i have tried hard not to be emotionally effected by it like i used to be, but this time round, it is different.. because, this time, it is not any of my patients who had passed away.. but she's a friend, a colleague, a very very sweet, soft spoken lady.. who had (has) a bright, promising & loving future ahead of her, but everything is gone now.. Still cant believe that this is all true... that she & her husband are both in heaven now.. newly married for 3mths.. knowing each other & had gone through hardships & had maintained their long distance relationship for more than 1yr & finally tied the knot early this yr... out of the sudden, he fell sick with chicken pox & developed complications & then multi-organ failure.. and passed away on sun, the next day when she arrived to the hospital in Dubai.. all within a week.. he expired on last sunday morning.. and she.. died exactly 1week after that.. That sets me or prob everyone of us thinking.. and prob hoping.. that both of them are at least together now.. in heaven.. in their world.. I have heard and seen these kind of cases before.. in old couples.. like one passed away & the other gone as well, after the death of their very loved one.. could it be when one is emotionally, physically totally drained.. totally gone.. n when one's heart is dead.. there's nothing left in the soul.. in the body to continue one's life.. and everything just shut down.. & now. i have another thing to add in my list when i die.. i wanna die in the season of summer... Not in the winter because its damn too cold. although i love white & snow..
Not in spring.. because i dont personally love flowers..
Not in autumn.. because all the lleaves are falling.. which will also reminds me of death...
Summer.. will be the best season for me to go.. even if not, the best 2nd choice would be winter then.. at least white is my favourite color, and it would go very well with my theme for my funeral..
So.. lesson of the day.....
(look at the title of my blog)...
"Live life to the fullest"
Because no one knows, when its yr time to leave this beautiful place..
although sometimes it can be very ugly too..
Treasure the people in yr life.. treasure what you have in yr hands..
Look around you.. open yr eyes, open yr heart & listen & feel..
the wonder of life.. breathe it in into yr body.. & be grateful that you are still alive..
make a diferrence in yr life, in other's life.. do yr part to make this world a better place to be in..