Monday, February 12, 2007

Chinese new yr is coming, and this is my 1st time being away from home..
Many singaporeans are leaving singapore during the festive season, going on tours,
forgetting the real purpose, real meaning of the CNY..
many of them start to dislike CNY, esp the singles ones..
WE (im single too), reali hate it when relatives start asking Qns like:
When are you getting married,
do u have a bf,
why are u stil single,
do u wan to b matchmake, Blah Blah Blah...

Honestly, im glad that none of my family or relatives are like this.
None of my relatives are the typical nosy chinese singaporeans..
They are cool abt it when im single, or when im attached and bring my bf along.
That is why i have never hate CNY.. never wanting to run away from the season
cos this is the time when i can meet up with my relatives, have a good time, a good meal and enjoy one anothers' company.
Even after i have started workin as a nurse, working on shifts,
i will make sure that i will not be working on the 1st 2 days of CNY, cos this 2 days are the impt days of the CNY for my family gatherings.

i will miss all of you even more, during this season.. but i know i'll get over real fast cos i'll spending this CNY in London..!! ;D

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