Tuesday, February 27, 2007
These are the videos that i took when i was @ london musuems. ;)
showing how magnificient the plces are... im starting to love musuems..!! ;>
Monday, February 26, 2007
Life is always full of choices to make, plans to make, paths to take. Im pretty fortunate and blessed to say that the choices that i had made in my life so far, has been pretty good. Although there are a few wrong paths that i had taken, but i manage to get back to the right one. Looking back @ all my past relationships, honestly i do not have any one tat i have any regrets with. Every one of them, had taught me lessons in life, helped me grow up in every little way, and i reali thank them for tat, including Willy.
Its really weird, amazing and funny that i am now enjoying going out with people here, getting to know more people and having fun, enjoying myself. Life in dublin is going to be a bit like when im back in spore, busy, always out with friends, salsa, and of cos, not forgetting work. The onli difference - is that i hav to do own laundry, im having breakfast almost everyday, having proper meals most of the times, making my own sandwiches (instead of getting subway). Life is good, in a way or two, cos the people that i meet here so far, are realli nice and im sure the friendship and bond is going for a long way. ;)
Im really excited for this yr of 2008, cos it wil definitely going to be a blast as there are many plces and things i would b going and doing, not going to tell you folks wat are they yet. ;p anway, i will definitely put them up when im goin to do it, so yeap, u folks will hav to keep yrself updated with me through here! ;) Cant wait for this wkend too!! Cos Channey and I will be goin to the Westport Salsa!! This is going to be our 1st salsa Congress, in ireland!! YEAH!! Its going to b real fun!!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
The things that i have obviously missed during my absence in singapore..
honestly, i do felt a little guilty.. but wel, there are always things in life that one has to miss when wanting to achieve something else in life, isnt?
im sure my FRIENDS will understand it. ;)
Apparently, few of my really good friends have delivered their babies,
some got married (the chinese customary wedding)
few got ROM
few getting ROM (eg: my dearest cousin, Xiande)
few going thru the customary dinner (eg: Charlie)
All these Dear Friends of mine are going to another phase of their life, and i am really happy for them, sending all my love to them and my dearest best wishes.
As for me, i am not in any hurry to get into this phase yet, so stop thinking that i might come back to singapore with a 'Mixed' baby or with a wedding ring on my finger. ;p
but, like jocelyn said, 'dun say no or never! U never know!'
well, yeah, u folks wil never know wat kind of surprise i will give u when i come back!! ;D
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I couldnt sit for the test bcos i have booked for the wrong one..!! i booked the motorcycle one instead of the car!! Then when i tried to switch on my new hp.. i forgot abt the PIN...!! so being disappointed and upset with myself, i have to go back to the hostel, to rebooked the theory test again, to check if i still have the PIN number.. then realised that i have thrown it away, so have to go back to the HP store to unlock the pin!
SIGH..!! WAT a DAY!!! !!!
Being so upset that things are goin according to wat i've planned since morning.. i must make sure the rest of the day will go according to wat i want.. and luckily it did. ;)
Well, and me being myself, being bored and tired of my look now.. i have been feelin kinda sad n depressed with myself for the last week anyway.. so, yeap, i went to a salon and did my hair! ! ! !
:D honestly, i felt real good now!! with a new hairstyle, new look and new yr is coming.. gues, its the new yr feel tat is reali creeping into me now that i have to do something abt myself... i always hav the habit of changin my look.. wel, all my close frens know this side of me... ;p
wel, now i am trying to suppress the excitement tat i have over my new look, that i decided not to post it up yet.. wait til i come back frm london..!!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
but it was quite a pity that i was @ work when it snowed, and all i can do is tried to take the pic from my HP.. which is oso not reali allowed, as we r not suposed to carry our hp ard when @ work ;p
so too bad that the pics doesnt reali turn out well.. so hopefully i wil hav another chance to see snow..
i wonder if its snowing in belfast though... ;)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007

These were taken last sat when Mario came dwn to dublin, and we're eating out in an Indian restaurant for dinner. Food was Fabulous!! The curries tat we had, superb! Spicy!! !! !! luckily we had 2 different curries, 1 less spicy than the other, so needless to say, mario can onli hav the least spicy one and the two gals were having the real spicy curry! Real Good!! i miss the prata, mutarbak, cheese prata, tissue prata... @ Ali.. the usual supper plce after salsa dancing..
finally got the chance to spend a weekend in dublin with channey, to help her with her salsa basic steps.. so we were actualy 'practising' for the whole afternoon!! and tat's y we looked kinda tired in the pic.. funny thing is tat, we not onli practise dance steps.. but oso other stuffs.. like a proper posture, how to walk.. sexily.. all the girly stuffs actualy.. its kinda amazing that i am teaching her all these girly stuffs, cos to think tat i was actualy a veri boyish gal when i was in my teens.. and now.. hahhahah!! totally transformed!! !! !!
onli those who hav known me since secondary school times wil know how i was like in school then and have seen me grow from then... tat wil be my best friends, Ainah, Peishi and Xiuling.. LOL
too bad i dun hav my sec sch pics scanned in b4 i leave spore.. its reali wil b veri funny to see the transformation..

This is one of a good dancer whom i was dancing with @ the GARDA CLUB, too bad he was onli here in dublin for tat night onli. He's from San fransico, ZAIN is his name. He will be going to KL and prob b dropping by to Spore, i dun know when, but of cos, i told him tat he must not miss singapore and to go salsa dancing when he's there. ;) if u folks see him on the dancefloor of union square.. do get a dance with him!!! !!! ;D
I miss dancing @ U. Sq and Hard Rock....!! !!
Had been eating out in restaurants.. japanese restaurants in dublin.. wif channey ;)
was having the chicken ramen (1st pic) and finally it was something reali good, spicy soup based, reali spicy. ;) i missed cpicy food! suddenly the thought of chilly crabs, nasi lemak (the chilli), bbq stingray.. all the spicy food!!!!!
the irish basically dun eat anything tats spicy.. had went to a few plces and order some 'supposingly-to-be spicy' food, it turns out to b sweet.. always end up in disappointment and unsatisfied.
anyway, channey and me went to another jap restaurant today, supposingly to be having lunch, and the sushi is our starter.. in the end, her 1hour lunch time is over and we onli had our starter!! so we had to have our Lunch as takeaway.. but stil, the food stil taste great! ;)