Late post again - one of the dance clubs that we went the prev sat night with most of my team mates, Krystel. Very nice decor and space, but didnt go round taking pics as it was crowded.. didnt take too many pics as they didnt know that im one who loves to take pics.. lol
wel, mainly bcos im juz kinda lazy to take loads of pics on tat day as ther were too many pple..
like i mentioned, the place has veri detailed and nice decor but the music gets boring as the night gets going.. but stil, as usual, i was dancing to every almost music the DJ played.. ;p
that was my 1st time going to the dance club with the salsa pple, it was always juz wif channey, juz the 2 of us.. it was a reali nice night dancing in the club with them. ;) it is reali nice to get away frm salsa once in a little while, with the right company. ;)