Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Its amazing how people can think that they know something and eventually turns out tat they didnt have a clue abt it!
Just like this new housemate frm France, we were chatting abt plces to go to have fun, clubbing and stuffs, i happened to mention abt me goin to salsa clubs and having a great time, and the 1st reaction that i got frm him was, "Woah, Salsa! I LOVE Salsa!!!" so i asked him if he dance salsa too, and yes, he does, so he wanted to go with me, then i brought him along tonite. Gues wat.. HE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO DANCE SALSA AT ALL!! !! !!
Look, although this new guy in the hse is kinda cute (in a way), but i reali hate it when pple lie!
and to think to that he even tried to ask me to dance, saying, let me show you wat's salsa.!
Yeah, RIGHT!! !! AS IF!! i turned him down, not wanting to embarass myself on the dancefloor, secondly, i am reali tired frm the work. thirdly, im not reali in the right mood to entertain him on the dancefloor.

Yes, im a BIATCH, and i dun reali care!

Actualy, this is not the 1st time when people are like tat. when i told 1 of the philipinos abt salsa dancing as well, she told me that she salsa too, and she did ballroom as well, stuffs like tat. but when i brought them to Floridita, she didnt even stepped on the dancefloor once!

Wat's Wrong Wif these people??!! why cant they just admit that they dun have a clue abt some stuffs?? Does one always have to pretend and act as if they know the whole darn world?
You are not going to b looking like a fool when u admit that you dun know abt it!
Im SURE that you will defnitely look like a fool when yr lies are exposed!!!!

Same thing goes to some pple @ work too.. .. dun try to tell/teach me wat to do when you dun even know what's the proper procedure goes! Im not even sorry that i have to 'expose' you that u oso dun know the proper procedure too, in front of the clinical facilitator, so that she has to repeat the procedure to you!! ;D of cos i did it in a veri nice way exposing yr ignorant side!

Im definitely not one to be mess around with!! !! ;D

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