Friday, January 12, 2007

Supposed to be @ work right now but was being sent back by my CNM3, bcos i was lookin sick, due to.. this bug mention below..

"The winter vomiting bug is highly contagious. While it only usually lasts two to three days, it can be considered extremely unpleasant, as symptoms include projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. There is no specific treatment for the illness and as it is viral, antibiotics will have no effects."

wel, i did have diaarhoea for the last 2 days but didnt reali feel so sick abt it, til juz now, when i was @ work, the pain was terrible and i tink i did looked pale after i came out of the washroom and my CNM3 happened to pass by me and saw my face. honestly, i do feel and tink that i can continue to work, but she insisted to send me back.. gosh.. so sad!! but wel, like she said, its for the patients & other staffs' safety sake.. and gues wat, i had another run juz when i reached my room.. shucks.. i realised that i always have to go after i eat anything.. hmm.. gues i do have the bug..!! !!?? ??

actualy, having diaarhoea is never a illness to me, cos i would take it as clearing the system, lose weight.. but not here, in this cold weather. luckily im not vomiting away.. tat wil kill me!! i hate tat!!

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