Anyway, we had dinner @ Fallon & Byrne @ Exchequer Street. Nice wine cellar restaurant wif nice food and cute server. ;) of cos had a glass of wine to go with our food as we were surrounded wif lots and lots of wine!!
Just a simple dinner bday for Channey..
just like wat Ainah wil do for me, or had done for me all these yrs on my bday and vice versa.. ;)

I was mistaken as a Japanese by one of the 'customers' and he said i am beautiful.. hahahahha so freaky!! not bcos he is old, but just tat he behaves so weird!! prob if he is more normal.. i wil talk to him more.. but hell no, if a man, or even a woman, gives me the feelin of freakyness..!! no way!! i trust my intuition!!
i tink i do look like a bit japanese now cos im Darn Freaking FAIR!!!! !!!!
when im real tanned, pple mistaken me as a philipino.. LOL
i think i would prefer to b mistaken as a japanese!
was once mistaken as a korean too.. WTH...
tats y i said to someone b4 tat i hav an international and common face.. ;)
It feels good to be mistaken to be someone else sometimes.. kekekekekek
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