Another Sinful day of feasting like there's no tomorrow... but we do had a great time.. we had great food & fabulous company, that's all it matters, isnt? ;D
Had our usual course of seafood @ Lau Pa Sat.. & we actualy ordered 2 rounds of food.. unbelievable eh!! ;D Our new 'members' of our outing gang were realli surprised with the amount of food we had ordered & we ate.. I wonder if they would join us again for the nex gathering.. ;p
After a very filling stomach frm Lau Pa Sat.. we actually moved dwn to Ya Kun Toast.. initially was juz having some drinks.. then.. Pauline went to order some toasts.. OMG.. that realli filled my stomach to the top!! After Ya kun.. the party ended, & Mary & i headed to Siti's plce.. stayed over her plce & sent Mary off to the airport on the nex day morning..
well, we're all looking forward to Mary's coming back again on April.. for another 2 days stay.. ;p Cos we're planning to go for a short getaway.. likely to Bintan..!!!Yeah!! ;D
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