Last night was a touching nite for me.. & XL too i tink.. cos we were askin the lovely dovey couple abt the proposal.. It was so touching.. i almost teared, realli.. Im very happy for PS that she has found someone to take care of her, to love her, to dote on her. ;) The proposal was @ Aust on the famous bridge, Sydney harbour bridge, when they were on the top of it.. wel, this is wat he said to her, holding her hands & kneeled dwn on one knee.. it went something like this..
"Xtyne, although this is not on top of the world, but it has one of the most beautiful sceneries in the world, will you make me the most happiest man in the world by saying yes, pls marry me..??" Of cos then the ring came into the picture.. Love is in the air boy...
OMG.. so Touching, so Romantic, So Sweet... I almost teared when he finished this.. According to Jason, she did cried & of cos happily, she even said Yes twice.. :D
I cant wait for their ROM which is goin to be on June!! It'll be @ a Poolside of a hotel in the late morning.. Gosh, im oreadi getting excited abt it..!!! ;D Aaahhhh...... I might even dream abt it...

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