Let's mit the rest of my family members who have seen mi grown from all these years.. ;) & wif my young cousins as well.. they are like so much younger than mi... but wel, my heart stil feel young ya!! & that is all it matters isnt? ;p
This is my 2nd Aunt.. Irene.. whom doted on us when we're young, always bought us presents ;) the last photo we had taken together was when i was 12yrs old.. gosh.. tat was yrs ago... it was her who brought mi out of the country for the 1st time.. we went to bangkok & hongkong wif my Granny.. wait til i get my scanner & printer.. then i'll load the pics tat were taken then.. haha ;D

This is my 1st Aunt.. whom i remembered tat she brought mi out for a show when i was reali veri young.. onli the 2 of us.. it was @ clementi i think.. ;p this is my 1st pic taken wif her ever since i can remember.... ;p

This is my 1st Aunt's Hubby.. whom oso doted on us.. a great father too as wat i observed.. a simple, responsible, homely man ;)

My Grandma, (mummy's mum) i tink tis is oso my 1st pic taken wif her..i mean juz the 2 of us.. ;)

One of my young cousin, Arena.. Sweet little young thing eh.. ;)

This is Arena's Sis, Annabelle... So sweet eh!!!!!!!!!! ;D

My Dear Granny..

Another young cousin of mine, Weijie.. my uncle's son.. (my dad's younger bro)